Woo Hoo!

I’ve made the leap! I’ve officially moved from Blogger to Word Press and I’m feeling good. But there’s a lot to learn!

I haven’t had much time to make a proper submission this week so I’m going to post my final blog from G-Blogger. It’s an oldie but goodie. I hope it makes you smile!

Welcome to the new TeriTalk!

Starting Over

He called again last night. I knew he would. In fact, I was just thinking about him yesterday. Wondering how long it would take. I knew he wouldn’t last very long without me. 
I was sleeping when the phone rang. He felt bad, I could tell. “Hi Terese,” he said. “I’m sorry it’s so late. I didn’t realize. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” I said. 
“It’s John,” he said. 
“I know,” I said. “I recognize your voice. Do you want me to come back?” 
“Yes. We don’t have to work it out right now. Just when you have time. Just call me whenever. I’m sorry it’s so late. I really didn’t know.” 
“It’s okay,” I assured him. “I go to bed early. I’ll call you in the morning. Goodnight John.” 
Shew…that musta been difficult. It was difficult for him when he had to tell me that he wouldn’t be needing me to clean his house anymore. He was moving the ex wife back in, and she would be doing the cleaning. When he told me that, I knew it would only be a matter of time. 
There’s a big difference between the cleaning lady and the wife. 
The cleaning lady has one objective-money. She doesn’t care if you don’t respect her or if you leave the toilet seat up. She won’t get mad if look at other women or even if she finds evidence of another woman in your bed. She might offer insight on raising kids or paying bills, but she’ll never tell you how to do it. The cleaning lady simply cleans your house. By the time she’s done, you feel wonderful. You feel like a king. You love that woman. But make no mistake, she is not your wife. 
Your wife has another objective-to be the queen. She demands to be treated with respect, inside of the home and out. You need to be sensitive to her feminine needs and this includes maintaining the position of the toilet seat. Do not look at other women, sleep with other women, and get your filthy mind off of that frickin’ cleaning lady. She wants an equal, if not greater share of the say, in raising kids and managing money. If you argue with her on these issues, you will not be having sex with her for a while. And the housework can go straight to hell for all she cares because after all, she’s not your frickin maid! By the time she’s done, you feel like a loser. You detest that woman. 
Yeah, I knew he wouldn’t last long. And I’m glad. I really need the money.
